Maina Njenga Reveals Why He Was Chased Away From Catholic Church

Maina Njenga, the former leader of the notorious illegal gang known as Mungiki, has recently shared a poignant account of his early life, shedding light on why he was estranged from the Catholic Church as a young boy.

Maina’s religious roots were firmly entrenched in Catholicism, as both his parents and extended family were devout members of the Catholic Church.

However, his spiritual journey took an unusual turn during his formative years. As a child, Maina began to experience profound visions that he believed were messages from God. These visions were accompanied by the phenomenon of speaking in tongues during his prayers.

When he confided in the Catholic Father of his parish about these divine revelations, he received a disheartening response. The Father explained that the Catholic Church’s doctrine did not permit such experiences.

Tragically, these extraordinary occurrences led to Maina’s expulsion from the Church, marking the abrupt end of his association with Catholicism.

Undeterred by this spiritual setback, Maina embarked on a new chapter in his quest for spiritual fulfillment. He sought solace and belonging in the Assembly of God Church, where he hoped to find greater acceptance for his unique experiences.

In this new religious environment, Maina’s spiritual journey took a surprising turn. He began identifying himself as a pastor, a role that would eventually become central to his life.

The journey from being a young Catholic boy with extraordinary experiences to becoming a self-proclaimed pastor in the Assembly of God Church is a testament to Maina’s resilience and his unwavering belief in the spiritual path he had chosen.

It is a story of transformation, where one man’s spiritual journey led him from rejection by one religious institution to acceptance and recognition within another.

Maina’s life serves as a striking example of how faith and spirituality can shape a person’s destiny, guiding them through trials and tribulations while also leading to unexpected destinations.
