Politician Tells Raila How Tired They Are

A section of ODM supporters have disapproved the manner in which the Raila Odinga-led party nominated its leaders for House leadership positions.

ODM Youth Senator for Baringo County Kalu Lepariyo faulted the nomination of Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo for the position of Minority Leader in the Senate saying the post should have gone to his Narok counterpart Ledama Ole Kina.

Lepariyo recalled how Ledama was roughed up at the Bomas of Kenya during the tallying of presidential votes saying he was the most-deserving for the Minority Leader position.

The youth leader claimed the Narok legislator was not picked because of his ethnicity and stated the Maa community was considering cutting ties with the ODM.

“ODM preferred appointing Stewart Madzayo minority leader in the Senate and not Sen Ledama Ole Kina @ledamalekina who almost lost everything fighting for Raila and ODM. Ledama’s only sin was that he is a Maasai, we are tired of helping ungrateful people. Maa Nation we are tired,” Lepariyo said.

His remarks came after Ledama hinted at going for the presidency in the 2027 elections saying he was confident he would unseat President William Ruto.

“6.9M is not a small number .… I did my best for you but God had other plans … Can we now talk about 2027 … I offer myself to you for consideration. I believe it’s time to take some serious risks …. My beginning might be small but God will widen the reach for me. See you soon,” the Senator said
