Ruto’s Talk With Raila Hit a Major Setback

A day after reaching an agreement with Raila Odinga’s led Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition over talks, Ruto’s camp is allegedly divided as per the latest reports.

As related by a report covered on Tuesday’s Standard publication, a section of Mt Kenya leaders led by Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru are opposed to Ruto’s talks with Raila Odinga.

According to the report, the group held a meeting in Runda on Sunday chaired by Waiguru where they were concerned that Ruto will reward the former premier after causing chaos and mayhem in Nairobi.

The leaders were as well concerned that Ruto’s talks with opposition leader would send a bad message that one has to cause destruction of properties after loosing election for him to enter into negotiation table.

” The leaders were concerned that talks with Raila would send a wrong message that even after loosing elections all one needed to donis to cause chaos to get to table of negotiation “, a source claimed.

This comes when Ruto’s camp has already listed five issues that will be presented before Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition during talks.

In a statement that was disowned by Azimio la Umoja, Ruto’s camp seeks to present the issue.of IEBC reforms, embedment of office of official opposition leader and that of prime cabinet secretary.
