Ruto Caught in a Lie After NTV Exposé

In the wake of NTV’s exposé on President William Ruto’s statements regarding affordable housing in Mukuru Kwa Njenga, the news outlet has once again scrutinized Ruto’s recent comments made in a local TV interview, revealing discrepancies in his economic assertions.

Ruto defended the government’s decision to sell the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) and seven other state parastatals, citing low profits and losses.

According to him, KICC made Ksh29 million in 2022 and Ksh40 million in 2021. However, NTV reported that KICC declared a double profit of Ksh956 million last year, with findings suggesting a Ksh516 million profit by June 2023, contradicting Ruto’s figures.

The investigation extended to the Kenya Pipeline Corporation (KPLC), where Ruto claimed the company, valued at Ksh300 billion, provided meager returns to Kenyans.

He mentioned annual amounts ranging from Ksh200 million to Ksh300 million. NTV’s findings, however, revealed a substantial profit of Ksh7.5 billion by June 2023 and Ksh6.2 billion in June 2022, indicating a 21% profit margin.

These revelations cast doubt on Ruto’s economic claims, underscoring potential inaccuracies in the financial information provided during the interview.

The discrepancy between Ruto’s figures and the reported profits of KICC and KPLC raises questions about the accuracy of the government’s economic assessments.

As NTV meticulously dissects Ruto’s statements, the spotlight intensifies on the transparency and credibility of the government’s financial disclosures.

These inconsistencies prompt a closer examination of the data presented by key officials, emphasizing the need for accuracy and accountability in public statements regarding economic matters.

In the face of contrasting narratives, the public is left to ponder the implications of these discrepancies on the government’s economic policies and decisions.

NTV’s investigative journalism serves as a vital check on the information disseminated by public figures, fostering a climate of accountability and transparency in governance.
