Moses Kuria’s Late Night Message After Impeachment Inquiry

A significant development reverberated through various social media platforms, capturing the attention of the public.

It was a call for action by a group of senators affiliated with the newly inaugurated Kenya Kwanza administration, demanding the impeachment of Moses Kuria, the Public Service Cabinet Secretary (CS). This contentious move thrust the political landscape into the spotlight.

The leading figures behind this call for impeachment were Senators Aaron Cheruiyot and Stewart Madzayo.

Their impassioned plea was directed at the highest authority in the land, urging the head of state to take decisive action against CS Kuria, effectively removing him from his position.

Their motivation for this demand centered on allegations that his conduct and leadership style had consistently caused embarrassment to the newly formed government under Deputy President Ruto’s leadership and, by extension, the general citizenry.

One of the key grievances raised by these senators revolved around CS Kuria’s perceived interference in the ongoing impeachment proceedings against Governor Kawira Mwangaza. This intervention, they argued, was unwarranted and undermined the integrity of the process.

In response to these threats to his political career, CS Moses Kuria adopted a confrontational stance. Using his official Twitter account, he issued a defiant message to those plotting his impeachment.

In a bold and unapologetic statement, he challenged them, suggesting that the scope of impeachment was not limited to leaders from the Mt. Kenya region. This tweet seemed to underscore his resilience and determination to withstand the political storm brewing around him.

The unfolding situation left the nation in anticipation of what would transpire in the coming days, as the political drama surrounding the impeachment of CS Kuria unfolded.

The tussle between the senators and the embattled Cabinet Secretary had undoubtedly set the stage for a high-stakes political battle, with potential ramifications for the government and the nation at large.
