Karua Sends a Surprising Warning to Raila Amidst Split up

The NARC Kenya Party leader Martha Karua has warned Raila’s team against taking other leaders for granted.

She is of the view that, the remarks by Professor Makau Mutua against Jeremiah Kioni are presumed to be his personal opinion because as leaders and partners in Azimio, they will not agree to be Gagged by anybody from expressing their opinions.

Martha Karua has affirmed that, from her personal opinion, the Bi-partisan talks will not go anywhere whatsoever. She is firm that, the results of the Bi-partisan talks is what will prove Kioni and others wrong.

Martha Karua has made it clear that, leaders from Mt Kenya region are being taken for granted by Azimio leaders and this is totally unacceptable. She has warned Raila’s team against taking silence as a sign of cowardice.

The latest response by Martha Karua against Azimio-OKA leaders is a sign of a possible implosion in the coalition.

The leaders are reading from different scripts and the talks at the Bomas of Kenya seems to have complicated Azimio coalition issues further.
