Chaos and Disruption at Raila’s Rally in Kisii

Kisii Governor Simba Arati swiftly responded to an unexpected interruption during a rally led by Azimio leader Raila Odinga in Kisii County.

The event, attended by prominent political figures such as Kalonzo Musyoka, Gladys Wanga, and Ochillow Ayako, aimed to connect with the people at Magena Market.

As Governor Arati addressed the crowd, the rally was momentarily halted by the blaring siren of an ambulance. Arati, undeterred, took charge of the situation, instructing the crowd to make way for the ambulance. He also ensured that a clear path was provided for the emergency vehicle.

In the midst of his speech, Arati had been inviting Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka to attend the official opening of a hospital in the area. He emphasized that the county government of Kisii had allocated Ksh. 20 million towards the hospital’s completion.

Despite the interruption, Arati’s composure and quick action demonstrated his commitment to the safety and well-being of the community. Following the incident, Raila Odinga was invited to address the crowd, allowing the rally to continue without further disruption.
