Identity of The Police Officer Who Shot Her Husband 12 Times

On the morning of Sunday, October 15, 2023, a horrifying incident shook the community as they awoke to the news of a police woman, identified as Lilian Biwott, fatally shooting her husband twelve times with an AK-47 inside their home in Kimumu, Eldoret, located in Uasin Gishu County.

This shocking incident left her husband dead on the spot. The report was initially shared on the official Facebook page of Baringo Capital News, shedding light on this tragic event that sent shockwaves through the region.

The circumstances surrounding this horrific act are still under investigation, leaving many questions and concerns in its wake.

More information says that the police woman has been arrested this is after she surrendered herself to the police officers in Eldoret. She killed her husband while their 3 children were still in the house.

Neighbors said, when children heard gunshots, they screamed and ran out of their house crying for help.

The gunshots too alerted the said neighbors that something bad had happened. It is allegged that Lilian Biwott and her husband had domestic squabbles something that angered her to the extend of deciding to kill the father of her children.
