1500 Politicians Goes Against President Ruto

Kenya’s County Assembly members have taken to the streets to call for the administration of President William Ruto to give them recognition, respect, and fair treatment.

These dedicated authorities have been working relentlessly with scant resources, meager pay, and no pension plan for far too long.

It is a terrible shame that people responsible for overseeing county governments must work under such unfavorable conditions and are unable to carry out their tasks as effectively as they should.

This discrepancy between MCAs and higher-ranking government representatives is not only obvious, but also wholly unacceptable.

President Ruto ought to pay attention to what the MCAs have said. It is quite evident that enough is enough! It’s time for a shift, and the government must take the initiative to offer the measures required to deal with this persistent issue.

It’s time to show the MCAs the respect and gratitude they so richly merit for their contributions to society and their persistent efforts to enhance the quality of life for all people.

Only then will the county assembly members be in a position to serve with pride, confident that those in positions of authority value and appreciate what they are doing.
