Azimio Politician Cries Foul About Privacy Forced to Change Phones

Azimio Senator Ledama Olekina has taken new security measures to enhance his privacy. Ledama revealed that he has stopped using Smart Phones and he has started ‘mulika mwizi’.

The Senator said the unexpected move was because of privacy and he thinks using smart phones could not guarantee him much privacy.

“Going back to the letter writing days … welcome Mulika Mwizi bye smart phones … not smart enough for privacy,” Ledama said.

Here is what Kenyans who reacted on Twitter said:

John…No difference, Unless you opt to over over, otherwise mulika mwizi bado inatumia network, which communicates with the nearest BTS (booster) everytime you move……. It gives your location in real time in your every move. Technology ilienda kitambo sana Mwesh.

The Daily Newspaper…Digitization of government functions by a third world country is scam😂😂,If Sudan can do that to us just imagine USA
