Miguna Miguna Turns Against Ruto’s Govt

Dr. Miguna Miguna, who is often self-proclaimed as the Luo Nyanza Kingpin, has criticized Cabinet Secretary for Trade, Hon. Moses Kuria, following his recent tweet.

In response to Hon. Kuria’s statement, Dr. Miguna expressed that a significant issue in our country is the dominance of elitist agendas in national discourse, driven by complacent media and inactive online users (KOTs).

He concurred with Davi Ndii’s perspective and urged attention to those suffering from hunger, emphasizing that their basic needs, like food and sanitation facilities, should take precedence over luxuries like Uber rides and fancy food items.

“But bwana CS, the problem is that you use an air conditioned gas guzzler, eat in 7-star hotels and sleep in mansions at tax payers’ expense, yet the ordinary citizens you pretend to speak for but always yell at and abuse sleep hungry”. He said.

CS Moses Kuria has been very vocal and controversial when it comes to attacking the social media platforms for reporting how bad president William Ruto’s government have Performed so far.

“We did not vote for the Kenya Kwanza government so that you can abuse us”. Dr. Miguna Miguna said.

A section of Kenyans have been asking president William Ruto to fire cabinet secretary for Trade Hon Moses Kuria over his Continues controversies.

“Every day you open your mouth, you abuse the ordinary citizens and tell them that they are lazy, stupid and ignorant. You abuse ordinary citizens that they are suffering because they are lazy and foolish”. He added.

Do you think that president William Ruto should fore CS Moses Kuria over his Continues attacks to the ordinary mwananchi?

Miguna Miguna has been very vocal and controversial when it comes to Advising president William Ruto’s government in recent days after he was allowed to return to Kenya.

“You boast and threaten them of higher commodity prices and declare that they will suffer more as you become wealthier at their expense”. Said Dr. Miguna Miguna.

It’s now a matter of wait and see what happens in the coming days if president William Ruto will fire CS Moses Kuria or not.
