Gachagua Reveals Why They Left Raila at VIP Section

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has finally revealed why Azimio One Kenya leader Raila Odinga was left alone at a private lounge in KICC on Tuesday.

Gachagua said delegates and leaders were shocked to learn that Raila had breached protocol and forced himself into area meant for Head of States.

The DP claimed that Azimio la Umoja leader wanted to join African Presidents at their private lounge during the African Climate Summit (ACS). This forced the government to change their arrangement leaving Raila alone.

Speaking on Friday, September 8, in Kericho, Gachagua said the lounge was restricted that even a Cabinet Secretary was not allowed to access it.

” Raila came to KICC, instead of going to sit where he was designated to, he wanted to sit where other Presidents were sitting, tunaulizana, sasa huyu ni Rais wa nchi gani?” DP Gachagua.

The DP also criticized Raila for punishing ODM MPs who who paid a visit to State House.

He said Raila wasn’t sincere with the ongoing bipartisan talk.

” Raila is not genuine about any dialogue, why is he punishing ODM MPs who have come to sit with Ruto?” Gachagua said.
