In a surprising turn of events following a world conference held in Poland, Raila Amollo Odinga, the former Prime Minister of Kenya, found himself appointed to an unconventional role—educating world leaders who found themselves on the opposition side.

The announcement caused quite a stir among the majority of people, considering Raila’s history of electoral defeats attributed to vote rigging.

Raila Amollo Odinga’s political career, which began with his presidential ambitions in 1998, has been marred by accusations of vote rigging leading to his continuous losses. Despite his best efforts, Raila’s strategies to combat vote rigging have consistently hit a dead end. In a bold move, he once disbanded the entire Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK), which was responsible for conducting elections and implementing the Biometric Voter Registry (BVR). However, even the introduction of the BVR system failed to yield the desired results, as it turned out to be plagued with major issues, exacerbating the problems instead of resolving them.

Nonetheless, at the world conference, Raila Amollo Odinga, accompanied by his daughter Winnie Odinga, was given the privilege to address the attendees. His extensive expertise in politics, coupled with his wealth of experience, positioned him as an authority capable of reshaping the political landscape. This opportunity allowed Raila to share his insights, discoveries, and strategies for navigating the challenges faced by opposition leaders worldwide.

Winnie Odinga, Raila’s daughter, also received due recognition and was granted the honor of addressing the gathering of world leaders. Her presence emphasized the importance of generational continuity and the Odinga family’s commitment to political engagement and public service.

Winnie seized the occasion to deliver a thought-provoking speech, providing a fresh perspective and igniting discussions among the attendees.
