The Kenya bureau of standards has urged the directorate of criminal investigation to launch a probe into the latest trick con men are using steal from unsuspecting car customers.

This was after unearthing the syndicate where many kenyans have been losing money in the hope of getting a good car from abroad

A case in point involves a former governor who lost KSH 9.9 million after being promised that he would be sold a range Rover vogue.

The vehicle in question has since been retrieved pending investigations to bring to book those involved.

Whereas it’s indicated that the vehicle’s year of manufacture is 2020, an investigative agency from Britain has said that the true year of manufacture is 2019 and not as shown.

The investigators further allege that both the Chesis Number and the engine number which is forged to hoodwink the public.

According to them, the vehicle was stolen in the united kingdom on 21 September last year and disappeared.

It was imported into the country through Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and upon arrival, normal procedure was done until the revelations were made.

Kenyans have been asked to do enough due diligence before making any move that involves huge amount of money.

It now remains to be seen whether Justice will be served for those who have been duped into buying stolen vehicles.

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