The matatu industry is quite lucrative in Kenya. You will want a dependable conductor and driver for this firm to be successful.

A professional person who drives is a driver. You must possess an authentic driver’s license that has been authorized stamped on it to be a qualified driver. Do you know the daily wage for a Matatu driver? I’ll explain everything, so don’t worry.

You will incur expenses every day along your route of employment as a Matatu driver. These costs must be covered. Additionally, the majority of matatu owners in Kenya always seek returns on their investments. Approximately 2,001 to 3,500.

The 14 sitter matatus may earn an average of 3,000 shillings per day in net income, while larger vehicles can earn 5,000 shillings.

A good team can help you make good money. According to my statistics, the most typical average earnings on a typical day, when everything is going as planned, are 700 to 1,500 for a tout and 1,000 to 2,000 for a driver.

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