Members of Parliament who support the handshake have set a date to start collecting signatures for BBI. This will enable them change constitution through referendum.

Speaking during a church service at Friends Church Quakers Kabete in Westlands Constituency on Sunday, November 1, the lawmakers said they will start collecting the one million signatures as from Monday, November 2.

Many Kenyans had said that the BBI needs amendments to include views of every Kenyan. The MPs said that this would not be possible since the window of making adjustments had already lapsed.

Led by nominated MP Maina Kamanda, the MPs said that there are people who are giving wrong information about the contents of BBI. They also added that Kenyans should brace themselves for a referendum.

“From Monday we shall start collecting signatures for BBI. I am sure in Nairobi alone we can collect up to one million signature required,” Kamanda said.

MPs present at the church service were Timothy Wanyonyi (Westlands), Anthony Oluoch (Mathare), Waihenya Ndirangu (Roysambu), George Aladwa (Makadara), Yusuf Hassan (Kamakunji), Millie Odhiambo (Suba North), Babu Owino (Embakasi East), Esther Passaris (Nairobi MP), TJ Kajwang (Ruaraka), Julius Mawathe (Embakasi South), Charles Kanyi (Starehe) and Bernard Okoth (Kibra).

During its launch, Deputy President William Ruto together with ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi had pointed out key issues in BBI that need to be addressed. It seems with this declaration from the MPs, that will not be possible.

DP Ruto has had an altercation with ODM leader Raila Odinga on the cost of referendum. IEBC had said the referendum would cost more than Ksh 12 billion while Raila said it would cost less than Ksh 2 billion. This led to Ruto saying that ODM was planning to steal public funds.

“I want to tell Kenyans that they are some elements who want a contested referendum so that they can steal public funds. I want them to know that Kenyans can agree on this document through consensus and we do not need a referendum that will cost billions,” said Ruto.

Ruto has said that he does not oppose BBI all he wants is to see it inclusive of all the needs of Kenyans.

“As a leader we do not want to sacrifice aspirations of Kenyans on the altar of leaders sharing posts. Instead we want a document which encompasses all issues related to the common mwananchi which must be included through a consensus,” said Ruto.

Ruto again warned Raila Odinga of showing bravado before the document was passed. Many interpreted this as veil threat that Ruto might lead the NO brigade to unprecedented victory.

“I want to urge Odinga to stop chest thumping that this document must be adopted by Kenyans and instead seek consensus as advised by the president,” DP Ruto added.
