Tension Between Ruto and Gachagua Escalates

Deputy President Hon Riggy G seems to be subtly distancing himself from President William Ruto, a shift evident in his repeated claims of delivering 3 million Mt Kenya votes and the ambitious goal of securing 100% of the votes in 2027.

The Sunday Standard’s report suggests discomfort within Ruto’s camp regarding Gachagua’s assertions that he played a crucial role in securing Ruto’s presidency during the fiercely contested 2022 elections.

The discomfort is particularly notable among President Ruto and his allies, who may find Deputy President Gachagua’s self-promotion unsettling.

The report speculates that Ruto’s unease stems from the continuous reminders by Gachagua about his influence in securing Ruto’s victory, implying a deliberate distancing by the Deputy President.

Kiharu Member of Parliament Hon Ndindi Nyoro is highlighted in the report as a potential factor in the strained relationship between Ruto and Gachagua.

Pundits suggest that President Ruto might be orchestrating this discord, pointing to his silence in defending Gachagua from criticism within the UDA Party allies in Mt Kenya. This silence contradicts Ruto’s pre-2022 election promise not to allow mistreatment of his Deputy.

The possibility of Ruto’s involvement in the reported tensions is reinforced by his failure to publicly support Gachagua against criticism from UDA Party allies in Mt Kenya. This lack of defense is seen as a departure from Ruto’s commitment made before the 2022 general election, where he vowed to protect his Deputy from mistreatment.

The dynamics within Ruto’s camp raise questions about the cohesion of the political alliance, with underlying tensions surfacing between the President and his Deputy.

As Deputy President Hon Riggy G asserts his influence and sets ambitious electoral goals, the apparent discomfort within Ruto’s circle may signify a broader shift in the political landscape, where alliances and loyalties are subject to change.

The intricate dynamics, as reported by the Sunday Standard, shed light on the evolving narrative within the political sphere, shaping the unfolding relationship between Deputy President Hon Riggy G and President William Ruto.
