Ezra Chiloba to Be Arrested?

Fresh details have emerged of why the former Communications Authority of Kenya Director General Ezra Chiloba is in trouble.

It has been revealed that, mismanagement of 662.4M is at the Centre of his ouster and his chances of being taken to court are extremely high.

The Communications Authority Chairperson Mary Muigai is said to have written to relevant government agencies to investigate Chiloba, the Internal Auditor and the Human Resource officials at the Communication Authority.

Ezra Chiloba is said to have bought land, houses and cars with government money through his secret company. The internal Auditor has been accused of cover up of corruption at the Communication Authority.

The latest approach by government is a clear confirmation that indeed, Ezra Chiloba is in real trouble and he might be arrested and his assets confiscated by the Asset Recovery Agency.

The fact of the matter is that, president William Ruto has promised to end corruption in government and is doing everything possible to ensure this happens
