“I have the right to answer your question the way I want to. So you cannot force me,” Mwaura said.

Citizen TV News Anchor Trevor Ombija had a rough time moderating a breakfast show in which nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura was part of three-member panelist.

Others present were nominated senator Sylvia Kasanga and Elog coordinator Mule Musau.

The interview was going on well until Trevor implored Senator Mwaura to reveal the figures ODM leader had received from their (Kenya Kwanza) internal opinion poll which he claimed Ruto was leading with 54 percent.

Mwaura, however, declined, occasioning a war of words of some sort.

Here is an excerpt of their exchange:

Trevor: Senator Mwaura what does your internal poll rate Raila Odinga at? You have just mentioned Ruto at 54 percent.
Senator Mwaura: You know Trevor Ombija I don’t know whether your question is suspect because you are questioning everything.
Trevor : This is the one thing that politicians are doing every time they are asked a question they don’t want to answer. The question is what is the rating for Raila.
Senator Mwaura: I am not a politician. I am Isaac Mwaura and I have the right to answer your question the way I want to. So you cannot force me to answer the way you want me to answer.
Senator Mwaura went on to explain that the recent polls showing that Raila Odinga is leading are a well-choreographed plan to show that the ODM leader is leading yet it is not the case.

Trevor, however, interjected saying he has allowed him to broadcast his internal poll on Citizen TV and he should therefore also reveal what Raila got.

Here is how it degenerated into:

Senator Mwaura: You have not allowed me to say it. It is me who said it. It is not out of your own volition. That is not what we are discussing on the paper.

Trevor : We are talking about the opinion polls?

Senator Mwaura: The opinion poll we are talking about is the one on the papers (Newspapers). I am only putting a rider on what I know.

Trevor: Do you believe your Opinion polls? What does it rate Raila Odinga?

Senator Mwaura: Yes I believe, I will not tell you that because I will not answer that question.

Story courtesy
