Members of Parliament from Baringo County have threatened to impeach Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha over his order banning schools from hiring out buses.

Speaking in Baringo the MPs led by Baringo Central lawmaker Joshua Kandie, admonished CS Magoha over the directive arguing that school buses have been bought by NG-CDF money.

His Baringo South counterpart Charles Kamuren questioned why CS Magoha issued the order without including members of the public who fund NG-CDF.

“I am ready to mobilize all members of parliament so that we do an impeachment for him (CS George Magoha). I will make sure we start the process of removing him from the Ministry of Education,” Kandie stated.

“Who agreed to this order that you issued… you don’t just wake up one day and make orders, that is the behaviour of lecturers and not leaders in your position,” Kamuren stated.

Mogotio MP Daniel Tuitoek who was also present at the event noted that parents played a big role and the communities during fundraisers that are used to raise money to buy school buses.

He told off Magoha and stated that the buses should be used by the communities adding that all MPs are united against the directive and the motion will receive overwhelming support in parliament.

On June 15, the Education CS announced a ban on hiring school buses for private events noting that this was meant to protecting students from COVID-19.

Speaking at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) where he announced Form One selection results for the 2020 KCPE candidates, the CS said everyone who intends to hire school buses would have to seek clearance from the ministry.

“For the avoidance of doubt, school buses are to carry children using COVID-19 protocols, action is to be taken against anybody using the buses for any other reason,” he said.

“We will not sit and allow people to misuse facilities of our children…We will give authorisation from Jogoo house, it does not matter if you are a government official.”

However, when he announced the move, Lurambi MP Titus Khamala castigated Magoha before the press. He challenged the CS arguing that in his constituency the public helped fundraise for the buses in schools.

Source: Kenyans.co.ke
