RutoTheWifeBeater Kenyans on Twiter accuse DP Ruto of Domestic Violence

Kenyans on Twitter have gone on a scathing attack against DP Ruto by branding him a wife beater. The hashtag #RutoTheWifeBeater is currently trending on Twitter where they accuse the deputy president of domestic violence.

It seems like an heightened politicial campaign against the Deputy President. Similar attacks against DP Ruto have been seen in recent weeks with a popular hashtag #RutoBoysClub trending for several days. The hashtag claimed that Ruto had a gang of bloggers who were helping him undermine his boss.

Politics in Kenya have taken a new turn and now are being fought online instead of the streets. If #RutoBoysClub had some truth in it, we will be waiting to see how they will respond to the #RutoTheWifeBeater hashtag.
