It has been reported that the first kalenjin man to oppose the government of president William Ruto has arrived in Kenya after he was spotted by Wajahkoyah and Nuru Okanga during the visiting of Nuru Okanga’s home in Kisumu.

Lawi arap Korir from Kericho is believed to be the first kalenjin man to oppose Ruto harshly because of his bad doings. Kori said that William Ruto is not someone to be called a leader. He uses his sweet mouth to confuse the people so that he can get what he wants.

Kori has revealed all the top secrets that the president William Ruto has been hiding from the Kenyans. Korir was so confident while he was accusing William Samoei Ruto in front of the Azimio party members.

What are your mixed though, feelings and opinions about this matter that has been raised by this kalenjin man Lawi arap Korir? Feel free and most welcome to share down below in the comment section and please do not forget to like, share and follow for more latest news and updates to come from Kenya.
