Residents have begun to speculate and express alarm due to Governor Susan Kihika’s protracted absence from public events attended by national government officials.

The governor hasn’t been spotted out in public for more than a month, which has sparked discussions on social media sites where users have vented their annoyance and asserted that she hasn’t been available since April 20.

She hasn’t been seen by her family or the county authorities, despite the growing public interest.

Because of the lack of transparency surrounding Governor Kihika’s absence, there is now even more rumor and speculation in the neighborhood.

The recent installation of Bishop Cleophase Oseso Tuka as Bishop of the Nakuru Catholic Diocese on May 6 was one among the significant occasions that Governor Kihika glaringly missed.

The absence of Governor Kihika in these events, as well as several others held within the county, has left residents with a sense of uncertainty and a perceived power vacuum.

Concerned by her prolonged absence, a Member of Parliament, who wished to remain anonymous, revealed having spoken to her weeks ago when she was reportedly traveling abroad for official business.

However, no communication has been established since then, leaving many puzzled about the governor’s current location and well-being.

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