There have been countless examples of men falling and dying during or after performing owing to the usage of performance-enhancing blue tablets.

According to the Pharmaceutical Association of Kenya, the majority of these deaths are the result of an overdose of Viagra, which is intended for medical usage as a blood pressure medication.

Experts in areas pertaining to sexual drive and men’s performance in bed have since stepped up to provide men with uncommon advice on meals that can increase their performance in lieu of the blue pill.

On NTV, specialists recommended treating performance issues with natural diets, vegetables, and fish soup. Unprocessed foods are those that have not been altered in any way.

They observed that the majority of processed meals consumed by the general population include several substances that inhibit the libido and performance of males.

Experts also advocate consuming an abundance of water and other drinks. Water and fluids aid in eliminating toxins from the body via urine, hence maintaining the body’s health and performance.

Fruit consumption was also suggested as a remedy for men. According to experts, a healthy and balanced diet has a significant impact on a man’s desire to perform well in bed.

However, they discouraged behaviours such as excessive alcohol intake and the use of other substances that impair bodily processes
