According to the bank’s annual report, the Kenyatta Family is one of the main shareholders of NCBA Bank, with a combined 25.72 percent ownership valued at Ksh.10.5 billion together with another shareholder.

The Kenyattas are the largest owners, with a 13.2 percent interest valued at Ksh.5.4 billion, followed by others.

The Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA) is a banking organization run by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s family.

The Kenyatta Family conglomerate includes the dairy firm Brookside, the hotel chain Heritage East Africa, and substantial property holdings throughout Kenya.

You have many options to access your own money when you are your own banker. You can withdraw from the cash surrender value, leverage dividends if paid, and borrow against the cash value.

Furthermore, when you take out a loan, you have the freedom to choose how and when to repay it something banks do not allow.

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