A lady who has been identified as Geneviv has opened about leaving with her disability that has made her unable to find a lover. As indicated by her, she asserted that she has waited to get proposed to for quite a long time however as time passed by, she realized that she is really getting old.

Revealing what occurred, she claimed that she was born a normal child until the age of two. Be that as it may, she would later experience issues in walking and consequently, her folks took her to the hospital to find out what wasn’t right with her.

Subsequent to getting to the hospital, she later discovered that she needed a wheelchair to get her feet to walk. Nonetheless, this was not possible because of the fact she never had enough money and hence, she had to live this way.

“When I was a baby, everything was okay and in as much as most people think that i was born like this, it’s not true due to the fact that i was a normal child.

However, my parents later realized that I was taking too long to walk and for this reason, they rushed me to the hospital where doctors claimed that i had a temporary disability adding that all i needed was a wheelchair.

My parents who were old couldn’t help me out due to the fact that they didn’t have money and that’s how i ended up like this”, she claimed.

All in all, the lady has revealed she has confidence that she will find the love of her life. As per her, she said that being lonely has caused her to feel like she is not a human being any more. However, she has revealed that she is still looking forward to getting a family one day.

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