Allan Wasonga of Agoro Sare High School, who came in second nationally, overcame all odds, including studying in the toilet at one point.

He told Citizen TV’s Trevor Ombija on Monday that he was constantly under pressure to perform from his teachers and classmates.

Wasonga said he hardly studied during the seven months that schools were closed due to the pandemic.

The videos he would watch either wouldn’t buffer, had scratches, or the audio was broken.

“The videos wouldn’t work for me, and I couldn’t log in to something,” he said. “When schools reopened, I felt like I was on the first lap while everyone else was on their third.”

Wasonga, who shares a bedsitter with four other family members, found it difficult to study at night while everyone else was sleeping.

His father is a businessman, and his mother is a seamstress.

While Wasonga studied late into the night, his mother noticed that the lights were making it impossible for others to sleep.

With the odds stacked against him, he resorted to studying in the toilet at night while his family slept in order to continue his studies.

When schools were finally reopened, Wasonga said he went all out, sleeping only 30 minutes a day.

“On most days, I would study until around 1 a.m., then go to my bed and study while standing until around 3.30 a.m., sleep for thirty minutes before waking up for the morning preps,” he added.

Wasonga, who plans to study medicine and change the course of his family’s life, says his teachers encouraged him to work hard and that they expected his name to be on a list of the top students in the country.

And, while his hard work paid off, he says that his faith in God was at the heart of it all.

By Citizen Digital
